Edward Gorey was born in 1925 and his centennial year is starting off with
a bang. *Goreymania* (www.goreymania.com) is a brand new website devoted to
Collect as many types of commercial sheaths as you can and display them in
a vitrine as though they were archeological relics, arrowheads or such.
Look esp...
I have gone here.
To be reborn in GOOGLE.
This blog was cast out of the kingdom of Google. For no good earthly reason.
But I'm out of tags here anyway now...
What can you find here? Edward Gorey. Talk about Edward Gorey. A Doubtful Blogger. Books. Cats. Sleep. Drawings where ("capital D") Despair becomes ("capital F") Funny. If you live in the Gorey Universe too, Welcome! This is a tribute blog to Edward Gorey (one of my biggest inspirations) and a place where I will publish my own writings inspired by The Master. Feel free to hang out and contribute!
Click the "following" button if you want me be to be able to check out your marvy net manifestation(s).
If you do a Gorey blog too, please apprise me of the fact so that we can do "linkies."
("Linkies" for a blogger is like "walkies" for a dog--maybe even better!)
I'd love to see your work (or that of others) inspired by Edward Gorey, news of posthumous Gorey busyness, etc., and will post such things here: drawings, writings, video work, etc.
I see Gorey's influence as omnipresent right now, and believe most of his works are probably still just beginning their long journey!
William Keckler. Poet. Blawger. Photographer/visual artist. You can see my work here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/williamkeckler/ I also post much of my own work on my Tumblr: www.thevisualvirgin.tumblr.com/.
I wish I could say humans move me closer to God, but usually it's the Cocteau Twins. If you're harming others or yourself physically, mentally or spiritually, today is a great day to stop.
Recent mag publications of photography and visual art (with links) are here:http://www.flickr.com/people/williamkeckler/
My books include Sanskrit of the Body, which won in the National Poetry Series, and Recombinant Image Day (which is available as a free PDF download at Broken Boulder Press).
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